
  • Ideal for live blood analysis
  • 5 W Cardioid mirror darkfield condenser
  • S100x oil objective with build-in iris
  • Trinocular models
  • EWF10x/20 mm and EWF10x/22 mm eyepieces
  • Quintuple reversed nosepiece
  • EPL and PLi plan objectives
  • 156 x 138 mm stage or 187/230 x 140 mm rackless stage
  • iCare sensor for energy saving
  • CSS - Cable Storage System
  • Provided with APL (Antimicrobial Protection Layer)

iScope for Life Science (Darkfield contrast application)

MODELS EWF eyepieces E-plan 4/10/S40x objectives Plan 4/10/S40x IOS objectives Plan S100x iris objective Plan S100x iris Super Contrast objective Stage (156 x 138 mm) Rackless stage (187/230 x 140 mm) Köhler diaphragm  
EIS‑1153‑EPL‑DF 10x/20 mm
EIS‑1153‑PLi‑DFi 10x/22 mm

Supplied with reflective cardioid mirrors condenser with a built-in high powered 5 W LED light source.

Supplied with a S100x objective with built-in iris diaphragm this forms a 1000x magnification darkfield solution


  • The iScope® EIS-1153-EPL/DF with a finite optical system is supplied with Extended Wide Field EWF plan 10x eyepieces with 20 mm field of view and adjustable diopter on the left eyepiece for finity corrected systems (Ø 23.2 mm tube)
  • The iScope® EIS-1153-PLi/DFi with a infinite optical system are supplied with Extended Wide Field HWF plan 10x eyepieces with 22 mm field of view and adjustable diopter on both eyepieces for infinity corrected IOS plan and plan phase systems and one adjustable diopter on the left tube for EPLi systems (Ø 30 mm tube)


  • Trinocular Siedentopf type heads with 30° inclined tubes
  • Interpupillary distance from 48 to 76 mm
  • The trinocular head for model EIS-1153-EPL/DF has a fixed built-in 50:50 beamsplitter and one ± 5 diopter adjustment
  • on the Ø 23.2 mm left tube
  • The trinocular head for models EIS-1153-PLi/DF and EIS-1153-PLi/DFi has an optical path selector (100:0 / 50:50) and ± 5 diopter adjustments on both Ø 30 mm tubes
  • A unique rotating system allows the ergonomic positioning of both tubes in a high (431 mm) and in a low position (397 mm)
  • The trinocular heads come with a Ø 23.2 mm photo port for cameras


E-Plan EPL 





S100x/1.25 oil**

Plan PLi IOS 






S100x/1.25 oil***

* Optional. 
** S100x oil objective with built-in iris diaphragm. 
*** Super contrast plan PLi S100x oil infinity corrected objective with built-in iris diaphragm

All optics are anti-fungus treated and anti-reflection coarted for maximum thoughput

  • Optional ergonomic 5 to 35° tilting head supplied with EWF 10x/22 mm eyepiece
  • Interpupillary distance 48-75 mm
  • Optional photo attachment for tiltinghead with standard Ø 23.2 mm tube

(To order an iScope® with tilting head use reference EIS-1158‑PLi/DF or EIS-1158‑PLi/DFi. 
To order an iScope® with tilting head and photo attachment use reference EIS-1159‑PLi/DF or EIS-1159‑PLi/DFi) 

Revolving quintuple reversed nosepiece for maximum five objectives

The iScope® can be equipped with two types of stages (designed for 2 slides): 

  • 156 x 138 mm stage equipped with integrated 79 x 52 mm X-Y mechanical stage
  • 187/230 x 140 mm rackless stage equipped with double slide holder and integrated 79 x 52 mm X-Y mechanical stage. The iScope® rackless stage has no protruding parts and therefore it is safer in use. Furthermore it enables more smooth movement

A state-of-the-art condenser equipped with reflective cardioid mirrors and a built-in high powered 5 W LED light source. Together with a S100x objective with built-in iris diaphragm this enabels a 1000x magnification darkfield solution. The power supply of the 5 W LED light source is built in the microscope. The darkfield condenser can easily be exchanged for a brightfield condenser which is also included



  • Height adjustable Abbe N.A. 1.25 condenser for brightfield 
  • Accepts sliders with phase annuli suitable for plan phase 10x/20x or S40x/ S100x oil immersion IOS objectives for economical phase contrast
  • With magnification indication

There is a choice of two optional NA. 1.25 phase contrast condenser sets with phase contrast sliders and plan phase contrast objectives. The first version comes with plan phase 10x and S40x objectives with matching slider, the second version comes with plan phase 20x and  S100x oil immersion objectives. Available for iScope® 160 mm and IOS infinity versions

All sets are supplied with a centering telescope and a green opaque filter
(Photo: EIS-9162 - Phase contrast set)


  • Coaxial coarse and fine adjustments, 200 graduations, 1 μm per graduation, 200 μm per rotation, total travel range is approximately 24 mm.
  • Supplied with an adjustable rack stop to prevent damage to sample and objectives. 
  • The coarse adjustments are equipped with friction control

To upgrade an existing iScope® to darkfield a cardioid condenser with integrated high powered 5 W LED illumination and external power supply (EIS-9150) is available. One also has to purchase a 86.521, Plan PL S100x objective with built-in iris diaphragm or a EIS-7200-I super contrast plan PLi S100x infinity corrected objective

High powered 5 W LED, built-in the cardioid mirror condensor



As a standard supplied with:

  • 3 W adjustable NeoLED diascopic illumination with internal 100-240 V power supply 
  • The innovative NeoLED design offers larger apertures, allowing the optical system of the iScope® microscope to produce images at higher resolutions, very close to the theoretical diffraction limit of the optics. Other benefits of the NeoLED are
    • the low energy consumption,
    • no heating and
    • a long operating life span
  • Köhler illumination on models with IOS plan and plan phase infinity corrected system provides high contrast and a maximum achievable resolving power of the optics. Also optionally available for other models


The unique iCare Sensor is developed to avoid unnecessary loss of energy. The illumination of the microscope automatically switches off shortly after microscopists step away from their position

iScope® allows users to easily insert the power cable into the back of the instrument, which enables easy storage. The integrated carrying grip at the back of the microscope ensures safe transportation of the microscope 

Supplied with a height adjustable Abbe N.A. 1.25 condenser for brightfield, power cord, dust cover, a spare fuse, user manual and 5 ml immersion oil for models with S100x objective. All packed in polystyrene boxes

IS.5700 EIS-5700
Ergonomic binocular tilting head 5 to 35°, erect image. Only iScope infinity systems
IS.6010 EIS-6010
EWF10x/20 mm eyepiece, Ø 23.2 mm tube
IS.6010-C EIS-6010-C
EWF10x/20 mm eyepiece with crosshair, Ø 23.2 mm tube
IS.6010-P EIS-6010-P
EWF10x/20 mm eyepiece with pointer, Ø 23.2 mm tube
IS.6010-CM EIS-6010-CM
EWF 10x/20 mm eyepiece with 10/100 micrometer and crosshairs, Ø 23.2 mm tube
IS.6015 EIS-6015
WF15x/16 mm eyepiece, Ø 23.2 mm tube
IS.6099 EIS-6099
Pair of eyecups, Ø 23.2 mm tube
IS.6210 EIS-6210
EWF 10x/22 mm eyepiece, Ø 30 mm tube
IS.6210-C EIS-6210-C
EWF 10x/22 mm eyepiece with crosshairs, Ø 30mm tube
IS.6210-P EIS-6210-P
EWF 10x/22 mm eyepiece with pointer, Ø 30mm tube
IS.6210-CM EIS-6210-CM
EWF 10x/22 mm eyepiece with 10/100 micrometer and crosshairs, Ø 30mm tube
IS.6212 EIS-6212
WF12.5x/15 mm eyepiece, Ø 30 mm tube
IS.6215 EIS-6215
WF15x/16 mm eyepiece, Ø 30 mm tube
IS.6220 EIS-6220
WF20x/12 mm eyepiece, Ø 30 mm tube
IS.6299 EIS-6299
Pair of eyecups, Ø 30 mm tube
IS.7104 EIS-7104
E-plan EPL 4x/0.10 objective. 0.17 mm cover glass correction. Working distance 15.2 mm
IS.7110 EIS-7110
E-plan EPL 10x/0.25 objective. 0.17 mm cover glass correction. Working distance 5.5 mm
IS.7120 EIS-7120
E-plan EPL 20x/0.40 objective. 0.17 mm cover glass correction. Working distance 3.5 mm
IS.7140 EIS-7140
E-plan EPL S40x/0.65 objective. 0.17 mm cover glass correction. Working distance 0.45 mm
IS.7160 EIS-7160
E-plan EPL S60x/0.85 objective. 0.17 mm cover glass correction. Working distance 0.19 mm
IS.7100 EIS-7100
E-plan EPL S100x/1.25 objective. 0.17 mm cover glass correction. Working distance, 0.13 mm
IS.7202 EIS-7202
Plan PLi 2x/0.05 IOS objective for iScope, no cover glass correction. working distance 18.3 mm. Best to be used together with swing-out condenser
IS.7204 EIS-7204
Plan PLi 4x/0.10 IOS infinity corrected objective. 0.17 mm cover glass correction. Working distance 15.4 mm
IS.7210 EIS-7210
Plan PLi 10x/0.25 IOS infinity corrected objective. 0.17 mm cover glass correction. Working distance 10 mm
IS.7220 EIS-7220
Plan PLi 20x/0.40 IOS infinity corrected objective. 0.17 mm cover glass correction. Working distance 5.10 mm
IS.7240 EIS-7240
Plan PLi S40x/0.65 IOS infinity corrected objective. 0.17 mm cover glass correction. Working distance 0.54 mm
IS.7250 EIS-7240
IS.7260 EIS-7260
Plan PLi S60x/0.85 IOS infinity corrected objective. 0.17 mm cover glass correction. Working distance 0.14 mm
IS.7200 EIS-7200
Plan PLi S100x/1.25 IOS infinity corrected objective. 0.17 mm cover glass correction. Working distance 0.13 mm
IS.7200-I EIS-7200-I
Plan PLi S100x/1.25 IOS infinity corrected objective. 0.17 mm cover glass correction and built-in iris diaphragm. Working distance 0.13 mm
IS.7200-W EIS-7200-W
Plan PLi S100x/1.10 IOS water immersion objective. Working distance 0.14 mm. Cover glass 0.17 mm corrected
IS.9102 EIS-9102
Standard Abbe condenser 1.25 NA with slot for darkfield and phase contrast sliders
IS.9105 EIS-9105
Swing-out 0,9/1,25 condenser
IS.9150 EIS-9150+S675
cardioid darkfield oil immersion condenser with integrated 5 W NeoLED™ light source and external 100-240 V mains adapter. NA (numerical aperture) = 1,2
86.521 E86-521
Plan PL S100x/1.25 oil immersion objective with iris diaphragm. Working distance 0.33 mm
IS.9124 EIS-9124
Zernike phase contrast set PLPH 10/20/40/100 bright fied and dark field position
IS.9127 EIS-9127
Zernike phase contrast set PLPHi 10/20/40/100 IOS bright field and dark field position
IS.9148 EIS-9148
Telescope for phase contrast ø 30 mm tube
IS.9163 EIS-9163
Phase contrast slider set with 20x and S100x oil PLPHi IOS infinity corrected objectives and annuli for 20x/S100x oil
IS.9170 EIS-9170
Slider with dark field stop for iScope
IS.9194 EIS-9194
Slider with phase contrast annuli for S40 phase contast objective for iScope
IS.9600 EIS-9600
Polarization filter 45 mm for lamp house
IS.9601 EIS-9601
Polarization set for iScope: simple rotating polarizer for lamp house and fix polarizer mounted under head
IS.9702 EIS-9702
Green opaque filter 45 mm for lamp house of iScope
IS.9704 EIS-9704
Yellow opaque filter 45 mm for lamp house of iScope
IS.9706 EIS-9706
White opaque filter 45 mm for lamp house of iScope
IS.9800 EIS-9800
Single photo tube attachment with one 23.2 mm tube for EIS-5700 ergonomic tilting head of iScope® infinity systems
IS.9880 EIS-9880
Köhler attachment
AE.3684 EAE-3684
Glass fuses 500 mA 250 V, 10 pieces
AE.5130 EAE-5130
Universal SLR-adapter with built-in 2x lens for standard 23.2 mm tube. Needs T2 adapter
AE.5025 EAE-5025
T2 ring for Nikon D SLR-digital camera
AE.5040 EAE-5040
T2 ring for Canon EOS SLR-digital camera
PB.5155 EPB-5155
Microscope slides 76 x 26 mm, ground edges, 50 pieces per pack
PB.5160 EPB-5160
Microscope slides 76 x 26 mm with cavity depth 0.25 mm, grinded edges. 10 Pieces per pack
PB.5165 EPB-5165
Cover glasses 18 x 18 mm, 0.13-0.17 mm, 100 pieces
PB.5168 EPB-5168
Cover glasses 22 x 22 mm, 0.13-0.17 mm. 100 pieces
PB.5255 EPB-5255
Immersion oil, 25 ml. Refraction index n = 1.515
PB.5274 EPB-5274
Iso propyl alcohol 99%, 200 ml
PB.5245 EPB-5245
Lens cleaning paper, 100 sheets per pack
PB.5275 EPB-5275
Cleaning kit: lens fluid, lint free lens tissue paper, brush, air blower, cotton swabs