For biological and medical applications fluorescence microscopes are used to observe certain parts of living cells and tissues with help of fluorophores. One or more fluophores are added to the parts of the specimen to be observed. When the fluorophores are exposed to so-called exicitation light, the excitation energy is absorbed by the fluorophore that start emitting so-called emission light that can be observed by the microscope. One can distinguish tumor cells from other cells, follow biological processes or prove the presence or absence of antibodies, etc
The Oxion microscopes for fluorescence are equipped with an epi-illumination with a 100 W mercury vapor lamp. The fluorescence attachment have a rail for maximum 4 filter cubes. The FluoLed model is equipped with a 455 nm LED and one filter cube, especially developed for efficient and fast detection of tuberculosis by the Auramine-O fluorochrome. Other FluoLED wavelengths are also available
• HWF 10x/22 mm eyepieces
• All eyepieces can be secured by an Allen screw
• Binocular and trinocular Siedentopf type heads are with 30° inclined tubes
• Interpupillary distance from 50 to 75 mm
• Two ± 5 diopter adjustments
• A unique rotating system allows the ergonomical positioning of both tubes in a high (431 mm) and in a low position (397 mm)
• Revolving and reversed nosepiece for maximum five objectives
• The fluorescence models with mercury vapor lamp are equipped with an orange UV protection shield
• Plan 4x/0.10, 10x/0.25, S40x/0.65 and S100x/1.25 oil immersion IOS objectives
• Plan Fluarex 4x/0.10, 10x/0.25, S40x/0.65 and S100x/1.30 oil immersion IOS objectives
• Plan semi apochromatic Fluarex 4x/0.13, 10x/0.30, S40x/0.75 and S100x/1.28 oil immersion IOS objectives
All S40x, S60x and S100x oil immersion objectives are spring loaded. All optics are anti-fungus treated and anti-reflection coated for maximum light throughput
• Coaxial coarse and fine adjustments, 200 graduations,1 μm per graduation, 200 μm per rotation, total travel range is approximately 28 mm
• Supplied with an adjustable rack stop to prevent damage to sample and objectives
• The coarse adjustments are equipped with friction control
• 150 x 140 mm stage with integrated 76 x 50 mm X-Y mechanical stage
• Designed for 2 slides
• Height adjustable Abbe condenser N.A. 1.25 with iris diaphragm
• Supplied with a white diffusion filter
• Phase contrast rings mounted in slider can be inserted in the condenser for 10x and S40x or 20x and S100x phase contrast objectives
• A darkfield stop in slider for the 10x, 20x and S40x objectives can also be inserted with magnification indication
The fluorescence attachment is equipped with an integrated condenser with iris diaphragm and with a field diaphragm
• All models are supplied with a 3 W adjustable NeoLED illumination with built-in 100-240 V power supply
• Köhler illumination with field diaphragm
• Fluorescence attachment with 100 W (HBO) mercury vapor incident epi-illumination and rail for maximum four filter blocks
• Two general purpose filter sets are standard supplied with the attachment: EAE-3245 (Blue excitation) and EAE-3246 (Green excitation)
• Two other general purpose filter sets EAE-3246 (UV excitation) and EAE-3247 (Ultraviolet excitation) are also available (More specific filter sets are available on request)
The FluoLED attachment is standard delivered with a 455 nm LED (EX 425-475, DM 480, EM 485 LP filter set) for detection of tuberculosis with Auramine-O fluorochrome. FluoLED attachments with 365 nm LED (EX 340-390, DM 400, EM 420 LP filter set, DAPI), 470 nm LED (EX 450-490, DM 495, EM 500-525 filter set, FITC/GFP/eGFP) and 560 nm LED (EX 540-580, DM 585, EM 608-690 filter set, TexasRed) are also available
EAE-3245 (Blue EX 465-495 nm DM 505 nm EM 515-555 nm)
EAE-3246 (Green EX 520-580 nm DM 600 nm EM 605-665 nm)
EAE-3247 (Violet EX 400-440 nm DM 455 nm EM 465 nm LP)
EAE-3248 (UV EX 366-389 nm DM 415 nm EM 435-485 nm)
The Oxion microscope is available in many configurations and can be upgraded with a variety of contrast types.
• Supplied with power cord, dust cover, white filter, user manual and 5 ml immersion oil for models with S100x objective
• All packed in a polystyrene box